Monday, October 5, 2009

Lip Piercing?

I've Pierced My Nostril And My Eyebrow Myself With Safetypins. I Told My Mom About My Nose And She Flipped Out. Then My Best Friend Convinced Me To Take Out My Brow Piercing (Which I Hid From My Mom With My Hair)

So Now I Pierced My Lip With A Small Safetypin, The Hole Was Too Small So I Had To Push A Bigger Safetypin In The Same Hole. It Didn't Hurt At All!

So Now I'm Asking How Can I Hide This From My Family? It's Been A Little More Then 24 Hours Since I Did It And Iv'e Been Using A Pice Of Safetypin Which I Cut Into A Small Enough Piece To Hide In My Lip. And I Also Use A Piece Of That Plastic Loop You Get When You Buy Clothes And It Conects The Tag To The Clothing.

Can Someone Tell Me What I Can Buy Or Use From Around The House?

Also I Wouldn't Mind Some Stories Of DIY Piercings. =) Thanks!

Lip Piercing?

look im not going to slam you for diy piecings cuz i did it too before i got my licence, but ill tell you this you can get a retainer stud for nearlly any piercing at a piercing shop or a hot topic store, these are used for kids in school that have piercings since schools have become so anti self expression...just try going to a shop please youd be surprised what can happen if it gets infected.. or if you hit a main artery..

Lip Piercing?

So is the ultimate goal here to become a human pin cushion?

Lip Piercing?

thats kinda weird a lip piercing is a no no, i am a doctor in the er and people get them pulled out by rabid dogs all the time ruff ruff

Lip Piercing?

whoa....your hardcore...I hate pointy things....

Lip Piercing?

well, i tried hiding my lip piercing from my parents, but it didnt work out the way i planned. just avoid them at all times. thats the best i can give you..

Lip Piercing?

just try putting concealer or some other kind of make up on the pin hole,......but come on, you know your parents are gonna find out sooner or later.

Lip Piercing?

oh my gosh just stop thats retarded go to someone to get it pierced and if you mom doesn't want you to get something pierced don't and just wait til your older god you so wierd

Lip Piercing?

You Need A Lot Of Help.

And Guys Think Grils With Piercings Are Ugly.

- Dumbass! -

Lip Piercing?

Sounds like self-mutulation to me. It's find to get piercings, but if you're parents forbid you -- why bother. No sense in hiding them.

Lip Piercing?

if its small enough put a earring it in and put a band aid(just a corner) on top of it and put some foundation thats what i did to hide my nose piercing i did myself i dont know if i'd work for a lip though

Lip Piercing?


Do you intend to poke holes in your body with a safety pin until you get blood poisoning??? No wonder your mother flipped out. If I were your mother, I'd make you wish you'd never heard of piercings. Instead of hiding it, why don't you tell her so when you get a raging infection she won't be so surprised.

You've got way too much spare time in your life.

Lip Piercing?

Please be careful of safety, when you use things from around the house to hold a piercing open it is very likely you are introducing bacteria into your blood supply. So far your immune system has fought off what you've put in, but it can't fight off everything as successfully. Keep in mind that soft tissue piercings do not ever completely heal the way an ear piercing does - what happens with the ear is eventually the skin grows into there to make a tube, for some reason that doesn't happen with the piercings you mentioned, I suspect because the hole through the skin is longer from end to end. Keep them clean, and seriously consider going to a piercing salon or other professional that can perform your piercings safely. Especially nose piercings, an infection in one of these is dangerous.

Lip Piercing?

Are you NUTS!!!!!!!.........I hope you are using aseptic techniques,Cuz how will you hide the OOOOZING infection from your family?

Lip Piercing?

Gonna be hard to hide it. How old are you? If your close to 18 I wouldn't worry about it...tell her it's your face/life so your choice.

But can I tell you I had a prof lip piercing I have had it out for about 6 years now...since I had my 1st child and he liked to try and pull it. Anyway just this past week it somehow got nasty infected my whole lip swelled and it was so sore it was bad. It has never really closed on the outside of my mouth on the inside it did. It was gross and point is just be careful with the DIY piercings just be sanitary a little alchol can go along way (not the kind you drink)

Lip Piercing?

this sounded like me when i was 15. i pierced my lip, my nose, stretched my ears and did tattoos and hid it from my parents, but eventually they always find out...anywayz, i think you should've used a regular thick needle instead of a safety pin. you should wash it with rubbing alcohol, put some vaseline an stick the needle in. that's what i used back then when piercing my lip. i watched how they had pierced my lip earlier in the parlor so i did another one. all i know is that SAFTEY PINS can lead to infection. i suggest you buy a lip ring ( wash it and clean it first to dissenfected) have it on for at least a couple of hours and then put that plastic thing your using when your around your mom. also make sure you wash it with alcohol every other hour you do not want a fat, infected lip. OR you can just be honest and be like " mom i pierced my lip a while back, but i don't want to hide it from you anymore". if she says it's wrong and all that other good stuff. just be like it's just a hole it's not a tattoo and it will close. i'll have it on for a while then take it off eventually. hope this helps. i prefer you just be honest with your parents.

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