Monday, October 5, 2009

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people?

There are some pieces of music i listen to and they send these sort of shivers up and down my spine, make the hairs on my neck stand up and even make me want to cry just beacuse the music sounds so amazing and really moves me emotionaly so much more than anything else does. It doesnt have to be a whole song of piece of music it could juts be s few notes from it. Does music have this effect on many people and does anyone know what causes it?

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people?

music has the ability to remind us of sad or happy times depending on what song we have heard when the event happened, Ava Marie has the ability to reduce me to tear with just a few bars, mainly because it was my mums favourite song and she sang it at my sons christening and since my mum died it always reminds me of her, i think it is because deep with in your subconscious is hidden away lots of memories that you may not remember so when you hear music it could be in the same pitch as a sound you heard when something happened, so you re- act to the music, with out even remembering why, through out history music has been used to celebrate things and to mourn things, music is about passion, and expression even with out words it touches us in ways we will never fully understand.

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people?

They can relate to it, and it holds memories within the situations that they relate it too.

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people?

I do that sometimes *cough*lennon*cough*. Maybe they hear something thats so true and they can realte to it so much its just kind of moving.

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people? is a huge part of my life.

Some really good songs could send me to tears, or can instantly brighten up my day.

Man has created music since the beginning of time. I can only imagine that somehow, it is human nature to enjoy and seek out music.

I am not aware of any scientific cause of music affecting our emotions, but I can only tell you that it DOES a LOT of people.

The Chilis are my favorite band...and lots of their songs really touch my heart. It could be the beat, the bass solo, the lyrics, the twang of the guitar, but...nonetheless, their music is near and dear to my heart.

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people?

Yeah I think the emotion of the performance can rub off on you...

Listen to incredible interpretation of an incredible piece of music...

Why does music have such a profound emotional effect on some people?

It happens to me a lot too. It's because music speaks to you in a way film, art, literature or the spoken word can never even begin to reach.

Music directly speaks to your soul, and is an intangible way of communicating something that can't otherwise be conveyed to another person.

Music is the most primitive form of communication and expression that nobody can deny the impact is has on them, nor can they really explain it either.

I have nothing but the greatest respect for artists who can achieve this with their music. Some songs that do this for me are 'Love' by John Lennon, 'Hoppipola' by Sigur Ros, 'Have you Forgotten?' by Red House Painters and 'Let Down' and 'How to Disappear Completely' by Radiohead.

Music is the best.

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