Thursday, July 30, 2009

Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

What coat has mixed, three-color hairs?





2 - There are synthetic bridles:



3 - What is a mash?

food that is a treat for horses

a bridle accessory

a drug

4 - The Isabelle coat owes its name to:

Isabelle-the-Catholic, having pledged in the 1491 Grenada siege, not to change her shirt until the end of the seige, hence the "dirty" colour

It's latin name, "isa-bellum" ("isa" means "equal" and "bellum" means "war") as its coat enabled the horse to blend in with the sand, during the Oriental wars.

Isabelle-the-Catholic who only tolerated horses with this coat in her stables

the actres Isabelle Huppert, a huge fan of this color hair

5 - The saddle's skeleton is named:

the shaft

the tree

the frame

6 - The "paring knife" is used to:

add a finishing touch to make the leather look better

thin out the piece of leather

7 - What is the sequence of placing down limbs in canter left?

Back left; left diagonal, front right

Back right; right diagonal; front left

Front right; back left; right side

Back right; front right; left diagonal

8 - Leon Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was also a horse man; he was still riding at 75.



9 - Which of these bones is part of the carp joint?

The talus

The navicular bone

The little sesamoid bone

The pisiforme bone

10 - The saddler is a job that has disappeared today



Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

Firstly mate, if you know anything about horses this stuff is basic.

Secondly, do your own exams, you're only cheating yourself

Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

wow, how long have you been riding or working on this, or researching horses? this is mostly really basic stuff. if you want to learn more, do more research. youre not going to learn anything by asking people to do it for you.

Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

Okay, please do the research yourself ! Otherwise you're cheating. If you're really that dedicated to riding - if you're really that interested - then you'd do this yourself.

Just search the questions on Google. It's really easy to find the answers.

Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

hey sewwtie i know EVERTHING about horses i own 3 ive been rideing horses cince i was 4 im 14 now :) juat IM me ill help you sweetie and anyway i passed level 8 im keve 15 now :)

Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

1. Roan

2. True

3. Food for horses

4. ?

5. The tree

6.Thin out the piece of leather

7.Back right, right diagonal, front left

8. True

9. The pisiforme bone

10. False

Help i'm stuck on riding level 8 on howrse!!?

take a look at my EC forum- all riding lvl answers there :-)

my username is horse_crazed123, and my EC is Dear Jamie::

hope this helps!

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